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In the security industry in Canada, every individual must hold a valid license. 

  • Security Guard Training: Undergo training provided by an instructor recognized by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services. This training equips you with the necessary knowledge and skills. 
  • Security Guard Test: Successfully passed the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Security Guard Test. This examination assesses your understanding of security-related concepts. 
  • Application Submission: Submit a Security Guard License application to the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services. This step involves providing the required documentation and information to initiate the licensing process.

To be eligible for a security Guard License, Following requirements must be fulfilled 

  • Must be 18 years old in age 
  • Eligible to work in Canada 
  • Have a clean Criminal Record

The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services is responsible for the security Guard license in Canada.

Most of the People in Canada are able to pass the security exam on the first attempt and some people might take 2 attempts. A person is required to get 62 % marks in MCQs to pass the security  Guard test.

In the security guards and private investigator test, there are 60 MCQs. Test appointments are 2 hours, 75 minutes of which are allotted for test completion.

If a person has a criminal record in Canada then this person is not allowed to carry out the exam of the Security Guard License.

As a Security Guard, a person is allowed to protect the premises and private property. They are allowed to interrogate the trespasser. But they have no power to arrest that trespasser.

As a security Guard, you will face a problem while

  • Showing a high level of vigilance and attention to detail for long periods of time 
  • Handling with Harsh Weather Conditions 
  • Handling an emergency situation 
  • Handling a crowd in an event as people get difficult to handle in an Event 

You can renew your security guard license Via mail or submit the application online which makes it convenient to shorten the time span.

In order to renew your Security Guard License. You need to submit:

  • License Number 
  • The expiration date of the current security guard license
  • Copies of 2 pieces of valid identification
  • The declaration form is to be submitted  
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